I’m a story teller but also a business innovator and Chartered IT Professional. My career has jumped erratically without a master plan, and with deep lows as well as highs. And I have hobbies that are completely different.

What holds them all together? 3 key values, finding my own way and persistence.

Adrian Cowderoy. Celebrating diversity, hope and professionalism.
Pisa, Italy on Fujichrome Velvia 50 with a Bronica GS-1. (c) Adrian Cowderoy, 1989


Diversity, understanding people and their rich diversity:

At work, I strive to help people on their own professional journeys, and try to enrich their lives in some ways.

In fiction-writing, I explore the lives of every major character, whoever they are, and show how people change as a result of events.

Hope, built on solid foundations from knowing how to deliver:

At work, I look for the most ambitious challenges where hope is fading or is built on fantasies, because I can help people find what’s achievable, and then help deliver it.

In fiction-writing, I face my main characters with supposedly insurmountable barriers, and then watch to see how their setbacks change them.

Professionalism, in quality, efficiency and mentoring:

At work, I strive follow the code of conduct of a BCS Chartered IT Professional, learn and improve, and help others. Then even if the situation becomes impossible, I can hold my head high.

In fiction-writing, I work to deliver on the promises made to readers, to explain openly, and to never knowingly be untruthful.

Self-discovery – finding my own way

At the start of our lives, our families have expectations of us. Then there’s more demands from school, and the myriad of contradictory pressures from friends and contacts. They seem to think that what’s good for them, should also be right for you.

It wasn’t right for me. At school, I tried to fight it, but the establishment makes it hard for people who don’t conform.

In my twenties I found a balance, of kinds. Gardening and music helped, amongst other things.

I’m still discovering myself. As an example, in the last 20 years I’ve gone from one job to another every year or two. Sometimes I’ve dreamed of staying and making a career home. Now, I realise it would never have worked. I need a flow of new and different challenges, and a steady job won’t do that. Focus on what you’re good at.

The only things that have been consistent throughout all this time, is a love for listening to music and writing fiction. I started writing fiction when I was twelve. There’s been times when I paused for practical reasons, such as when my creativity focussed on landscape photography, but I knew I’d write again.  


I love running and cycling. Sometimes I do triathlons and canoeing. I’ve done long events that take six to twelve hours.

I’m not fast. The purpose is to challenge myself, and build the mental stamina to keep going, whatever the odds. A side effect is that it keeps me healthy and happy.

More about me