Hanley and Tunstall are part of the 5 original towns of the Potteries, in Staffordshire UK. (The others are Burslem, Stoke-upon-Trent and Longton.)
Photographed in 1980-1982, Hanley and Tunstall were the gloomiest of the five.
Hanley had once been part of a thriving hub of the china industry, supplemented by mining. Now much of it lay empty, waiting without hope for the next revolution. And outside the towns, for miles the landscape lay bare, torn apart by years of open-cast mining.
Photographic data:
- Canon AE-1 (35mm) with FD 35mm F2, FD 50mm F1.4, FD 100m f2.8 (my standard)
- Film was mainly FP4 and HP5, printed on Ilford Multigrade paper