Tag: Fear
A technology failure. This is a case study of a quality assurance manager facing his worst nightmare, and how he reacted. It’s an example of intelligence-based project management.
“Drumhead Trial”. An intelligence researcher is accused of incompetence when investigative journalists outsmart him. The story shows the danger of being a scapegoat – in almost any job.
The Secret Devil's Advocate is a fictional account of managing “unknown unknowns”. The 7-page story illustrates standard methods, listed here.
Poltergeist! The words throbbed in Sabra’s mind as she inspected what had moved. ...
“Intimidation case.” Hans listened to the man in the red shirt. The man in the red shirt inspected Hans’s mobile then powered it off. “Secrecy first,” he said.
Hidden Beyond Detection is a spy thriller set in 2014. It follows Akila Sinclair, a young intelligence analyst who must become what she hates most in order to prove …
“Francesca will be in danger,” Graziano warned. It wasn’t the role of an intelligence liaison operative to state the obvious but he feared for her.