Category: Commentary
High risk projects can be managed. Intelligence-led project management treats failure like a terrorist threat. It extends agile project delivery.
Risk identification in ambitious projects is difficult because of the unknowns. An intelligence cycle and agile project makes it easier.
The importance of soft skills is unusually high in intelligence-led project management. And underlying it all, is hope and determination.
Stop project failures. With intelligence-led project management exceptional levels of uncertainty can be handled. Details below.
Career advice for 7-18 year olds considering the intelligence sector: police, commercial, defence, security, political, and environmental intelligence.
Risk analysis failures in projects have a human impact for those involved, as well as a financial one. 6 tips from secret intelligence analysis.
Unknown unknowns are surprises that create risks or problems, but they can also provide major opportunities. Here is how to manage them, applied across projects, operations and defence.
This is a quick demonstration of how to increase visitors, create more sales from them, and reduce your own costs. The keys are good usability, technical implementation and carefully …
I became a BCS Chartered IT Professional 14 years ago. My effective salary has tripled, but with CITP I got other benefits. But CITP wasn’t what I expected.
Intelligence research specialist jobs focus on narrow areas that require high expertise. Here are some of the perils and tips for coping and survival.